Proposals for regulation provided to civil society
Possible regulation discussed with government and intergovernmental bodies
Briefings for business and legal professionals
Workshop summaries for industry associations
Research articles for business, government, international organisations and civil society
Reports for government and international organisations
Training and professional development
Expert advice
Business and Human Rights (OUP, 2024); https://global.oup.com/academic/product/business-and-human-rights-9780192855862?q=robert%20mccorquodale&lang=en&cc=gb
‘Director’s Duties and Human Rights: A Comparative Approach’ (2022) 22 Journal of Corporate Legal Studies 605-639 (with Stuart Neely)
‘Human Rights Due Diligence Instruments: Evaluating the Current Legislative Landscape’ in Axel Marx, Geert Van Calster and Jan Wouters (eds), Global Governance, Business and Human Rights (Elgar, 2022) 121-142
“The Litigation Landscape of Business and Human Rights” in Richard Meeran and Jahan Meeran (eds), Human Rights Litigation against Multinationals in Practice (2021, OUP) pp.1-23
‘The Effectiveness of Human Rights Due Diligence for Preventing Business Human Rights Abuses’ (2021) 68 Netherlands International Law Review 455-478 (with Justine Nolan)
Co-Author, Study on Due Diligence in the Supply Chain for European Commission (with BIICL, LSE and Civic Consulting (2020): https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/8ba0a8fd-4c83-11ea-b8b7-01aa75ed71a1/language-en
“Human Rights Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains: Evidence of Corporate Practices to Inform a Legal Standard” (2020) 25 International Journal of Human Rights 945-973 (with Gabrielle Holly, Lise Smit and Stuart Neely)
'Responsible Business Conduct and State Laws: Addressing Human Rights Conflicts' (2020) Human Rights Law Review (with Lise Smit and Arianne Griffith)
‘The Soft Law Nature of the OECD Guidelines: An Impediment for Access to Remedy?’ in Nicola Bonucci and Catherine Kessedjian (eds), 40 Years of the OECD Guidelines for Multilateral Enterprises (OECD, 2018) (with Arianne Griffith) 119-140
When National Law Conflicts with International Human Rights Standards: Recommendations for Business (2018) https://www.biicl.org/documents/1930_biicl_bn_report_web.pdf?showdocument=1
Human Rights and Business 2017: Promoting Responsibility and Ensuring Accountability, UK Parliament Joint Committee on Human Rights (2017) (Special Advisor to the Committee), https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/jt201617/jtselect/jtrights/443/443.pdf
‘Human Rights Due Diligence in Law and Practice: Good Practices and Challenges of Business Enterprises’ (2017) 2 Business and Human Rights Journal 195–224 (with Lise Smit, Stuart Neely and Robin Brooks)
‘Human Rights, Responsibilities and Due Diligence: Key Issues for a Treaty’ in S. Deva and D. Bitchitz (eds), Building A Treaty on Business and Human Rights: Context and Contours (CUP, 2017) (with Lise Smit)
‘The Concept of “Due Diligence” in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights’ (2017) 28 European Journal of International Law 899-923 (with Jonathan Bonnitcha)
Exploring Human Rights Due Diligence (2016) http://human-rights-due-diligence.nortonrosefulbright.online/
The Third Pillar: Access to Judicial Remedies for Human Rights Violations by Transnational Business (with Gwynne Skinner, Olivier De Schutter and Andie Lambe) (ICAR, 2013)